Who we are.
We advocate and promote interests of the floriculture industry in Kenya.

Our Vision.
Kenya, home of the world’ s best flower growers.

Our Mission.
To deliver value to the members through advocacy, innovation, communication and compliance.

Flowers and Ornamentals Sustainability Standard (FOSS) continues to promote sustainability in the floriculture industry

CSR Stories.
Environmental, Social and Good Agricultural Practices activities form the DNA of our membership.
What We Do

Creating an enabling environment for businesses to flourish is one of the key mandates of the Kenya Flower Council. The advocacy unit works with both National & County Governments, and various government agencies by participating in the designing and formulation of pro-business policies and legislations.

Sustainability is not an add-on but integral to our core business activities. The Flowers and Ornamental Sustainability Standard (FOSS) also known as KFC Silver, we ensure compliance on environmental and social aspect.

The truth is always found in facts, we go great lengths to provide timely and factual information.
Kenya Flower Council is the hub for the floriculture industry data and information.

To remain at the top, technology and innovation for sustainability drives the Kenyan flower industry. We keep our stakeholders at the center of everything we do; to develop powerful concepts and models that aims at enhancing the industry’s processes.

The Floriculture Industry is dynamic and unpredictable. We keep abreast with the dynamic market trends and the international flower industry at large. Kenya Flower Council partners with Kenya Government to negotiate for better trading arrangements either bilaterally or multilaterally.

Growth and development can only be achieved through access to relevant and timely information. The association endeavors to improve access to the international market, legal, policy and regulatory information that keeps our members abreast with issues affecting floriculture industry both locally and internationally.

Kenya is among the top producers of flowers in the world exporting to over 60 destinations. The success of Kenya's flower industry is attributed largely to members' commitment to meet the highest quality requirements embodied in the Flower Council Flowers and Ornamentals Sustainability Standard (FOSS).
Our Affiliation
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